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Privacy Policy

I aim to retain the trust of all visitors to my blog and am not in the business of trading, selling or distributing any personal data stored through this website – for marketing purposes or any other.


Subscribing to MyHappyReads 


Firstly, thank you for deciding to follow MyHappyReads! Your email address will be stored in my Wix account and will not be used for anything other than automatically notifying you when a new blog post has been published. The email notifications also include the option to unsubscribe.


Leaving a comment on MyHappyReads 


By leaving a comment on any of my blog posts, your name and email address will be stored on
my Wix account. This information will not be used for anything at all other than for me to see who has left a comment.

I do not store information collected about your visit to this blog for use other than to analyse content performance through the use of cookies, which you can turn off at any time by modifying your internet browser’s settings.


I am not responsible for the republishing of the content found on this blog on other web sites or media outlets without my permission.


This privacy policy was reviewed August 2023 and is subject to change
without notice.

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